Everything changes

As I posted on my Facebook page for my art, "no, you're not seeing things" I wanted to let my viewers know that I have changed my avatar. My blog has changed drastically and hopefully you will be thrilled with new work and concepts. I'm thinking ephemeral. Yes, things that last a very short time. Think about it. Life, basically, is like that; everything changes. If you aren't accustomed to change...maybe you need to look at it a different way because life is about change. My new work is all about these changes. It's going to be nature, landscapes and snippets of things that don't last a long time. Think of sunlight, moonlight, stars, clouds, and many things that only have a m o m e n t of time.

I will confess: I have a large canvas on my easel. I'm working on it. I have many new ideas and I'm really excited to be able to present it to you soon. My brushes and pencils are not sleeping they are awakened. For in the meantime I'm posting a few of my favorite links to other exciting things and I'll be back soon. Click on my friends photos and you will travel to their creative spaces.